Sunday 3 June 2012

Never Build Your List With for list building? Bullshit....
Oh, so many Warrior Forum Special Offer (WSO) list building course sellers gonna get on their nerves for this post....

Yes, I have seen so many WSO list building product sellers trying to fool people with the so called " methods".

Their main claim is that by using, you will be able to drive massive traffic to your squeeze page on a very cheap price and therefore, obtain hundreds of opt-ins within hours?

Is that so? Fuck no.

I put the method to the test. I bought 10k global visitors and another 4k proxy visitors. I spent around $20.

The results: I did get 14,000 plus visitors but I only got 3 fucking opt-ins using the method. THAT IS MORE THAN $6 PER SUBSCRIBER!

So, morale of the story:
- traffic is good to build massive traffic


They are not targetted so you will spend your money for nothing!

In conclusion, next time a WSO seller comes up with a list building report that he/she claims to be able to obtain hundreds of subscribers, ask whether he/she uses or other similar services as traffic generation method.

In the mean time, I'm saving my money for solo ads purchase.

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