Wednesday 4 July 2012

Perfection Makes You Broke, Poor & Uncool

"I want to get started on the right time!"

"I need to learn more about creating websites before I make one!"

"I am not going to invest in paid tools now, I am gonna stick with the freebie methods until I make enough money!"

"I need more content before launching my website!"

"I have not done keyword research so I cannot buy a domain yet!"

"I need to know more about SEO, back links, traffic generation and setting up blogs before I can launch my internet business!"

"I need to read more books on Internet Marketing!"

And on...and on....and on....

Sounds familiar?

If you have made any of the excuses above then you are most likely one of those procrastinating internet marketers who always wait for that "perfect" moment to start and have never taken any real action.

Poor are still broke, poor and uncool....

Yeah, there are some websites out there that still have those weird latin words, have zero backlinks and even looks ugly but guess what? Their owners TAKE ACTION! They did something! They have the courage to start.

The action takers know that they have nothing to lose by starting right away.

Were they doing it right the first time? Did they have all the required tools and all? Maybe not, but it doesn't matter because overtime they will learn by practicing and they will improve.

And you....look at you....what have you done for your business so far? If you read this feeling angry or offended because you remain broke and poor, then you have noone else to blame but yourself for not taking action.

Deep down, you know that is true....

If you do not have the balls to get into the game and get your feet wet, then how do you expect to become a successful internet marketer?

It is all about the mindset....

Everyone has to start from somewhere....And for a start, you can grab on this Teach Me How internet marketing guide videos for free right HERE.

Start your online business....take action for God's sake!

Sunday 1 July 2012

How To Participate In Internet Forums

Sounds stupid doesn't it? Why would you need to learn how to participate in a forum? Afterall, all you need to do is just signing up and start posting....

It does seem that easy on the surface but believe me, participating in forums, especially for marketing purposes, can give a lot of people a real hard time.

Forums are based on very tight community. Everyone must obey the rules and watch each other's back.

You see, that's the first thing you need to do. Read the rules and obey them. Different forums have different sets of rules on how you can put links or even what you want to talk about.

The next thing you need to do is do not come in gang busting everyone else. Do not overly show off your knowledge or expertise at first. What you need to do is to get to know the community first.

Hang out, chil out, chat with some people and introduce yourself properly.

Once you make some connections, then start helping out. Helping out means sharing. If you have any knowledge to share, then do it. If anyone asks questions and you happen to know the answers, then help them. and learn. Ask questions your own questions if you have to. Let others help you as well.

The bottom line is....if you want to use forums to advertise your products or services, then use them wisely. If your post is a sales pitch then do not be surprised if people flame at you and you might even get your ass banned on the very first day.

Forums are powerful. Do not abuse them and do not ruin your reputations.